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Autumn Special and elGordo 2007

Friday, 05 October 2007
Now, Autumn Special Draw with 84 M euros to prizes. And a 15 M euros (21.2 M $) jackpot in Euromillions. With another 9.3 M euros (13.1 M $) jackpot in Primitiva 5/54 + 1.

IMPORTANT next Friday is a holiday day in Spain, so limit day to play is THURSDAY 11TH OCTOBER AT 19:00 CET

And with 2.201 million euros (3.000 M $) to prizes. elGordo Christmas 2007 is here.

National Lottery :: 42 M euros to prizes (13rd, 20th and 27th October, and 3rd November)
Thursday Lottery :: 13 M euros to prizes 4th, 11th, 18th and 25th October, 1st and 8th November)
Autumn Special :: 84 M euros to prizes (10 November)
elGordo 2007 :: 2.201 M euros to prizes

In Spanish National Lottery, every 100 numbers, 35 have some kind of prize.

And Bonoloto (4 draws with daily jackpots) and Spanish Football Quiniela.