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elGordo 2013 and November Special

Tuesday, 08 October 2013
2.240 million euros (2900 M $) to prizes. elGordo Christmas 2013 is here. And also November Special with 84 million euros.

And a 9.5 M euros (13 M $) jackpot in Sunday 5/54 + 1 on Sunday, and another one of 43 M euros (59 M $) in Euromillions.

Thursday Lottery :: 13 M euros to prizes 10, 17, 24 and 31 of October)
National Lottery :: 42 M euros to prizes (12, 19 and 26 October, 2 November) .
November Special:: 84 M euros to prizes. (9 November)
elGordo 2013:: 2.240 M euros to prizes. (22 December)

In Spanish National Lottery, every 100 numbers, 35 have some kind of prize.

And Bonoloto (4 draws with daily jackpots), Spanish 6/49 and Spanish Football Pool.